Write For Us

Are you an expert writer who wants to get his articles viewed by thousands of readers? Do you have great topics and ideas that will challenge our readers and add value? You have come to the right place.

We are always looking for talented authors with great well written content to publish their articles on our site and we both benefit.

All you need is to be a talented writer and follow our posting guidelines below to create and publish your post with us.

Topics We Are Interested In

We are only interested in the below topics, as these are what interests our readers the most.

  • Product Reviews

  • n Best Products (ex: 5 Best Camcorders/ Gaming Headsets, etc...)

  • Travel

  • Health

  • Automotive/Car

  • Technology

  • Entertainment

What We Look for

A successful post should be comprehensive, data-driven, interesting, and educational. To increase your chances of getting published on our blog, ensure that your contribution:

  • Is a relevant, well-researched post of 1200-1500 words.

  • Is 100% original and unpublished. We will not republish anything that’s been published elsewhere.

  • Only includes claims that are backed by links to credible research or case studies. Avoid citing our competitors, and using any irrelevant promotional links to websites.

  • Includes examples and relevant images to illustrate your point. Avoid using stock photos that don’t add any value to the copy.

  • Includes subheadings, bullet points, and shorter paragraphs which make the article more readable.

Article Structure

Below are some common points to include with your submission:

  • Internal Links
    Link to negsnposs’s published articles where appropriate.

  • Author Bio and Photo
    All submissions should have an author bio and photo(150*150 px). Bio should be 40 to 50 words long and may include 1 link to your website’s homepage with a brand name anchor text.

  • Keywords
    Keywords used must be mentioned separately at the end of the article along with meta description.

Beside the points mentioned above and according to your selected topic, your article should be structured as follows:

Product Reviews

  • Title
    Title of the product followed by ":Product Review".

  • From The Manufacturer
    What the manufacturer says about their product and how do they market it.

  • Features
    Bullet points of the main features of the product with little explanation.

  • Your Review
    Your point of view and how you find the product according to different relevant aspects (ex: speed, performance, design, etc...).

  • Why I Should Buy
    Bullet points stating why should the readers buy this product and how it is going to benefit him/her.

  • NEGs & POSs
    Bullet points with the Pros and Cons of the products.

  • Buying Guides
    Bullet points advising the reader on what to look for and notes he/she should take care of when buying similar products.

n Best Products

  • Title
    ex: 5 Best Camcorders/ Gaming Headsets, etc...

  • Features (For Each Product/Option)
    Bullet points of the main features of the product/option with little explanation.

  • Your Review (For Each Product/Option)
    Your point of view and how you find the product/option. (Doesn't need to be detailed as in single product review).

  • NEGs & POSs (For Each Product/Option)
    Bullet points with the Pros and Cons of the product/option.

  • Buying Guides
    Bullet points advising the reader on what to look for and notes he/she should take care of when choosing similar products/options.


  • Title
    Your title should speak the whole story with little suspense that people would like to explore.

  • Introduction
    A short and simple paragraph giving outline of the topic in brief. This tells the readers what to expect from the article!

  • Body
    The main core of the article, where the main information and real challenge lie. Divide the body of the article into small sections and keep it simple yet engaging.

  • Summary
    A brief conclusion to sum up what the reader has just read.


Please, follow the steps below to submit your article.

  1. Creat Account: Register a new account and complete your profile.
    You should:
    • Add a real profile photo (Not an avatar).
    • Write ~50 words in the "About me".
    • Enter your social links.

  2. Contact Us: Send us a message at articles@negsnposs.com with your request to write for us.
    Your message should include:
    • Your registered Username and Email.
    • A brief pitch on the subject you want to write about.
    • Samples of your previous work (Links to articles you published).

  3. Become an Author: If we accepted your request, we will give you "Author" privilege on our blog.

  4. Write a Draft: Now, You can write your articles as draft posts on our dashboard and submit them for review.

  5. Get Published: Once your article passed the review, it will be published on our blog under your name.

We reserve the right to edit the content you submit but this will primarily be done to correct errors or make the content more readable.

Please don’t submit press releases or sales pitches; fake product reviews, advertorials, etc type of content is not allowed.

If your article is accepted and published, we will reply to you with a congratulation message and the link to your article.

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